Friday, May 8, 2015

Winston Plywood Progress Report - May 8, 2015

This is a weekly update on construction progress at the Winston Plywood and Veneer Facility in Louisvile


·         Concrete Slab and grout foundation at Lathes/Lathe Foundations – Has been removed

Pile Caps:
·         Pile caps at air compressor room, boiler room, and maintenance shop
o    29 pile caps in place, 4 remaining to be completed

·         Grade beams and floor slab placed and finished for east ½ of Building 5
·         Grade beams excavated and rebar in place along north and west sides of west ½ of Building 5 (Will place and finish slab next week)
·         Approximately 300 feet of footing formed and rebar in place for grade beam along west wall of plywood building (at rail spur)

Building Structural Steel:
·         Structural columns on Building 1 in place at E-17, E-19, E-21, E-23, E-25, I-17, I-19, I-21, I-23, and I-25
·         Rafters in place on Building 1 Column Rows 19, 21, and 23
·         Partial bar joists in place on Building 1 between Column Rows 17-19, and 19-21

Fire Protection:
·         Approximately 700 feet of 12” underground fire protection piping installed along north side of plywood building (underground is in place all way across north end of the plant site)

·         Approximately 250 feet of subgrade in place for perimeter roadway west of existing parking lot
·         Over excavation and backfill is complete in areas north and east of lathes and Buildings 9&10.  Placement of fabric material and stone base has begun in these areas.