Thursday, May 15, 2014

Final Responses - Cleanup

RFI’S & FINAL RESPONSES QUESTION: Can you please clarify Section 2.0 Statement of work Item 2.3 Work Areas Sub item a. Work areas. The RFP requires the Contractor to clean with a street sweeper. Is this requirement limited to sweeping the road only or will ditches be required to be swept as well. The RFP requires areas to be seeded and strawed. It is our experience that FEMA will not reimburse for seeding and mulching/spreading straw disturbed areas where debris was removed. Please clarify that this will be required as part of our load and haul price. It is our experience that FEMA will not reimburse going over the job area with a magnet upon removal of debris. Please verify that this will be required as part of our load and haul price. Thank you for your help in this matter.
RESPONSE: All slope services areas must be seeded and strawed
QUESTION: Is the City landfill class I or II?
RESPONSE: Landfill is a class I and II and a MSW.
QUESTION: Given the urgency of the City of Louisville's need to begin debris removal and disposal efforts, we respectfully request that the City consider waiving the contractor's license requirement in favor of a Certificate of Authority. Debris removal is often treated at the Federal level as a service contract that does not require a contractor's license. Would the city consider proposals from firms that are in good standing in the state; that are experienced in debris removal; that hold contractor's licenses in several other states; but that do not necessarily hold a Mississippi contractor's license?
RESPONSE: Mississippi State license IS required.
QUESTION: Discrepancy in languages in RFP #01 and RFP #02.
In RFP #01 (Monitoring Services), Exhibit 2 Scope of Work Item #8 states, “The MONITORING CONTRACTOR will inspect traffic control devices and procedures for compliance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic control Devices (MUTCD);”.
In RFP #02 (Removal and Disposal Services), Section 6.6.a. Other Considerations states, “The Contractor shall be responsible for control of pedestrian and vehicular traffic in the work area. The Contractor shall provide all flag persons, signs, equipment, and other personnel and equipment shall be in addition to the personnel and equipment required in other parts of this contract. At a minimum, one flag person should be posted at each approach to the work area. Closure or blocking of public streets and other rights-of-way shall not be permitted unless prior arrangements have been made with the County’s Representative and is coordinated with appropriate departments. Traffic control is the responsibility of the Contractor(s) and shall be accomplished in conformance with local traffic codes. Work shall be accomplished in a safe manner in accordance with City and OSHA standards.”
RESPONSE: Need to follow all OSHA City and MUTCH requirements.

RFI’S & FINAL RESPONSES QUESTION: The apparent discrepancy deals with the different language in the two statements regarding MUTCD conformity vs. City and OSHA standards.
RESPONSE: Need to follow all OSHA City and MUTCH requirements
QUESTION: Are there any addendums to Monitoring RFP?
RESPONSE: Not at this time.
QUESTION: The fee proposal schedule page 17 items 3 thru 7 list a unit price for removal of trees and stumps. We interpret this to mean for tree and stump removal only and there will be additional pay covered in item number 1 for hauling to dump site. Is this the correct interpretation?
RESPONSE: Contractor should include all cost into his/her unit price.
QUESTION: Is an electronic submittal (via email) acceptable? If not, can proposals be delivered prior to Friday? For example, if we ship tonight for delivery tomorrow would this be acceptable? We are concerned if we wait to ship until tomorrow that the package may not arrive before the 10am-12pm deadline and would prefer to ship ahead of time.
RESPONSE: No electronic submittal, Proposals due prior to the deadline in RFP.
QUESTION: Because of the expedited turnaround time, would the City consider amending this solicitation to allow for electronic submittals.
RESPONSE: No electronic submittals accepted
Price is 40% of the overall evaluation criteria. Because the RFP does not provide a list of positions to bid on, or total number of working hours anticipated, would you please describe how the City will evaluate price? Would the City consider using a standardized pricing schedule with positions and anticipated number of hours per position so that there is a apples-to-apples comparison?
QUESTION: Would an alternate dump site be considered in the quote?

RFI’S & FINAL RESPONSES QUESTION: Under 2.2, Proposal Requirements, Part F, the RFP requires that proposer complete a time and materials rate table to indicate the proposed rates of reimbursement. Will the City be providing a standard time and materials rate table? Will the City be defining labor categories for all proposers to use in the time and materials rate table? Under criteria, price is weighted at 40%. Are there additional instructions, guidance or expectations on pricing other than what we see in Part F of Section 2.2?
QUESTION: In Section 1.0 – General Terms and Conditions; 1.1 – Proposal Submittal Instructions: How many Original and Copies of the Proposal do we have to submit to the City?
RESPONSE: One (1) original and three (3) copies.
QUESTION: Proposal states that quote should be by tonnage. Will consideration be given for quotes that specify cubic yards.
QUESTION: "If SEG decides to come in as a MBE and or DBE subcontractor, how do we get the other companies contact information to possibly get in contact with them to be part of their "sub-contracting" plan, as is required to be identified as part of any proposals submitted for this RFP?"
Below is the requirement as stated in the RFP under : 3.5 QUALIFICATIONS PROPOSAL
"g. Sub-Contractor Participation – The City will review the proposer’s plan to identify and utilize local sub- contractors as well as minority (MBE) and disadvantaged business enterprise (DBE) subcontractors, which shall be included in the proposal. The City intends for companies and procedures included in this section to be incorporated into the contract of the successful respondent from the outset of the project and, as feasible, remain incorporated into the work until project completion such that local, minority and disadvantaged businesses are able to contribute to the overall project for the life of the contract. "
and under the section just under 3.5 titled "The City’s evaluation criteria will include the following assigned at 20% each", item b :
"b. Subcontracting Plan - Identify subcontracting firms to be utilized and located in the Winston County area with type of work to be performed or supply to be provided".
RESPONSE: Contact LaTisha Landing, Bid Management Clerk / Web Administrator at Mississippi Development Authority
QUESTION: The Fee Proposal Schedule is asking for a Unit Price and a Quantity Price. There are non Estimated Quantities in this RFP. Are the respondents required to give a quantity price? If yes then can you supply the estimated Quantities?
RESPONSE: Only a unit price will be required.

QUESTION: The Bid in Section 3 3.3 Requires respondents to produce a bid in the amount of 5%. But unless I have an estimated quantity I cannot responsibly estimate that price. Is there and alternative to this method or a set Bid Bond that will be issued?
REPSONSE: 5% has been changed to require a Bid bond in the amount of $100,000.
QUESTION: I understand the contractor is responsible for the disposal cost, but should we add the listed disposal fees ($8 and $18) into our unit price bid or will the disposal cost be reimbursed on a separate line item?
RESPONSE: Contractor should include all cost into his unit price.
QUESTION: We do not at present have a general contractor lic in MS. We do have a general contractor lic in TN and one in AL but we have let our MS license expire. Just wondering if there was any way we could qualify to bid on this proposal.
RESPONSE: You need to have a valid Mississippi contractor’s license.
QUESTION: Because of the expedited turnaround time, would the City consider amending this solicitation to allow for electronic submittals
QUESTION: Price is 40% of the overall evaluation criteria. Because the RFP does not provide a list of positions to bid on, or total number of working hours anticipated, would you please describe how the City will evaluate price? Would the City consider using a standardized pricing schedule with positions and anticipated number of hours per position so that there is a apples-to-apples comparison?
QUESTION: May I ask when the City anticipates making selection and when would the selected firm be expected to commence work?
RESPONSE: Friday 5/16/2014, notice to precede TBD.
QUESTION: May the proposal be delivered via FedEx?
RESPONSE: Yes, but is proposer’s responsibility to submit prior to the deadline as stated in the RFP.

QUESTION: The Mississippi State Board of Contractors has reciprocal agreements with Louisiana as well as South Carolina. If a company has license in both states, and the South Carolina General Contractor's License are unlimited will a Mississippi State Contractor's License be required?
RESPONSE: MUST have a valid Mississippi contractor’s license.
QUESTION: Could you please tell me the contract time with renewal options if any for the Debris Removal and Disposal Services #002 FEMA-4175-DR/DR-MS-4175
QUESTION: If there is a local contractor that we would be able to partner with, or assist, we will take care of financing as well as bond back to the contractor for 100% of our portion of the work. We would also like to assist with the bidding process as well as the pricing
RESPONSE: You can come in as a sub contractor to a local contractor, which is strictly between you and the contractor.
QUESTION: The RFP indicates a disposal site. What type of permitted facility is (i.e. Municipal/Class I or Class II Facility)?
RESPONSE: Landfill is a class I and II and a MSW.
QUESTION: Will there be an addendum issued to reflect the information from the Mayor's update ? If not, then will the RFP that was issued prevail ?
OTHER NOTES: Comment located in 2.3, a. “go over with a magnet” has been removed from RFP
a. Work Areas – The City will establish and approve all areas that the Contractor will be allowed to work. These include Right of Way and public land. At the end of each day, the Contractor will remove all eligible debris, clean with a street sweeper, go over with a magnet and leave the site from which the debris was removed in a clean and neat condition. Fill dirt and grading may be required to achieve the desired condition. Areas must be seeded and strawed.