December 21, 2016
RE: State of the City of Louisville, 2016 in Review
The following are project updates
and most FAQ's:
Winston Plywood & Veneer: Continue to work
closely with the company to complete the rebuild of the city owned facility,
WP&V currently employs approximately 300; the direct and indirect
employment numbers will continue to grow. Public & private investment in
excess of $100 million. We are grateful for this partnership and boost to our
When will streets be repaired/paved?: The City
of Louisville, with the cooperation of MEMA & FEMA, have awarded the
contract for one of the largest capital improvement projects in the history of
the City of Louisville and "notice to proceed" was issued to the
contractor, November 15, 2016. Limited work will be performed for drainage and
base repairs throughout the City during the winter months. Due to timing of
approval the repairs/paving will be delayed until we have warmer temperatures.
This project is a priority and we respectfully request all citizens to continue
to be patient. This project would not be possible without the cooperation of
MEMA & FEMA, therefore the approvals were necessary otherwise the City
would not be able to repair infrastructure.
Project details; 27 drainage
improvement sites; 60 streets; budget $4.9 million
What is the status of the cemetery, will there
be repairs?: YES, the construction of the Memorial Courtyard was funded by the
community in an effort to achieve this project by the one year anniversary date
of the disaster. The remaining design and work to be done for the cemetery must
be approved by FEMA. We continue to work towards the final design approval in
order to advertise the project for construction. Any work performed without the
proper approvals will NOT be eligible for reimbursement.
What is the status of the park projects, both
Ivy and Academy Park? : The City of Louisville acquired 8.5 acres of property
adjacent to Ivy Park, including the former Assembly of God Church building. The
master plan design for the Ivy Park expansion and renovation is in the final
stages, in cooperation with East Central Community College and the Louisville
Municipal School District. The master plan will be available for review in the
very near future and the budgets will determine the number of phases in this
Academy Park sustained damage
from the tornado on April 28, 2014, and as a result was eligible for a claim
through the City's blanket insurance coverage and was also reviewed by
FEMA as eligible activity along
with the cemetery and communications tower damage. The City opted to
participate in the Hurricane Sandy Recovery Act which is a pilot program for
alternate procedures, this created an opportunity for the City to achieve much
more than imagined. Although this has been explained on several occasions,
concerns have been expressed of Academy Park. There should NOT be any concern
over the future of Academy Park or potential enhancements. Project planning,
priority of needs, and cash flow have been drivers for all projects, hence we
again ask for patience as we strive to get optimum use of funds available to
the City of Louisville.
Is the City building a community saferoom?: Yes,
we continue to work with MEMA and the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) on
our eligibility and approval to construct a community saferoom (dome). The City
was initially awarded grant approval ofjust over $3 million for this purpose.
The City continues through the processes of property acquisition and design
approval with Federal and State partners. We anticipate more news on this
project early in 2017 and hope to be in construction in 2017.
Does the City owe money to FEMA, what about the
news story and the audit? : No, the City of Louisville does not owe FEMA. We
have worked closely with FEMA & MEMA officials to insure a successful
recovery. Winston Plywood & Veneer's facility would not be a reality without
the synergy of Federal, State, & Local government working together.
Other Project Updates:
New landfill cell is under construction
Awaiting final approval of FEMA/MEMA to purchase
traffic signals to be installed throughout the City of Louisville (4
intersections and proposed armed-mast traffic signals)
business district and sidewalk repairs will be after the street and drainage
project, engineering design must be completed
Industrial property development and designs are
ongoing and include future use of the former
American Creosote site (aka: EPA Superfund site) and former Jake's
operation located on Railroad Avenue. The Railroad Avenue will reopen upon
completion of the street reconstruction in the earlier mentioned street &
drainage project.
Strand Theater acquisition and renovation plans
continue, yet is delayed only by project planning, priority of needs, and cash
Years of work led to adopting and implementing
the following tools in 2016:
Comprehensive Plan, Zoning
Ordinance, Zoning Map, and other useful maps
As you can see, your Louisville is
on the move with much on the board to achieve. My hope is you are encouraged by
this update. We continue to work hard and look forward to a prosperous 2017 as
we celebrate Winston Plywood & Veneer's formal grand opening some time to
be determined and as we realize the dream of a new Winston Medical Center in
the Spring of 2017. May we continue with energy, optimism, and resiliency to
create a better community, our home.
Mayor, City of Louisville