· Placed slab for Building 3 from Column Rows 3-21 (East side of
· Formed and place rebar on Columns A-1, A-3, A-5, and A-9.
· Prepared Old No. 1 dryer demolition area for concrete. Removed soil and filled with crushed concrete. Drilled existing slab for dowels into existing slabs.
· Backfilled and performed grading for grade beam on Building
· Installed floor drains and cleanouts for restrooms on east side of
· Performed detailing on Building 1 at Column Rows 1-5
· Completed detailing and trim-out from Column Rows 6 – 31 on Building No. 1
· Installed framing detailing on north end of Building 1 and Building 5
· Insulation and roofing placed from Column Rows 1-8 on east side
· Bar-joists complete on Building 5, working on trim-out components
· Began erecting structural steel on Building 3 (East side of plant)
Fire Protection:
· Completed final installation of underground fire line from main fire loop to riser building
· Continued installation of underground service and hydrants on west side of building
· Installed thrust blocks for underground fittings on underground service on west side of building
· Contractor for 13 KV primary power supply continued underground duct banks to transformers and switchboards on south east side of building