Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Information From MEMA - 3/24/2020

As with any similar situation, there is a great deal of inaccurate information and rumors that surface. Please be careful as to your source. If you have questions, go to a legitimate provider of information. Locally these include:

Also follow WLSM for current info as well.
MEMA released the following information to clarify the current situation:

  • Currently there is not mandatory stay-home order. We ask folks to avoid crowds and frequently wash their hand.
  • Healthcare workers will be our top priority when receiving supplies along with first responders.
  • If you see the National Guard, they are assisting with delivering supplies, doing humanitarian service to help MSDH and MEMA

  • MEMA and MSDH are working to send out more supplies this week. County EMA will receive a shipment to disperse to first responders, hospitals will receive a shipment and long-term care facilities will receive a shipment.

  • We ask people not to hoard food. This is to ensure everyone has access to the supplies they need. There is not a food shortage. The overwhelming demand has slowed the process of getting food back on the shelves.

  • Daycares and businesses can choose to close on their own, at this time there is no mandatory order to do so.

  • There is a list of testing sites available at msema.org and msdh’s website
  • Please call the COVID-19 Hotline for your questions: 877-978-6453