Terms of Agreement:The sponsorships are currently limited to 30 available locations, therefore will be on a first committment basis. This project is for locations in the City of Louisville (Bypass HWY 25/15 a.k.a. “Veterans Memorial Highway”)
The sponsor agrees to provide their logo in a format suitable for the banner company to produce.
The sponsor agrees to the design presented
The sponsor agrees to pay as follows:
Option 1: One time fee of $1,000.00 at execution of this agreement
Option 2: Quarterly payment of $300.00/quarter for term of one year totaling $1,200.00 (first payment due upon execution of this agreement )
-Payments will be made payable to: Winston County Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 551
Louisville, MS 39339
7. The City of Louisville agrees to display the banners upon production and the banners will be the property of the City of Louisville
8. The revenue generated by this project will be used for the purchase, production, and installation of all banners. The remaining funds will be allocated for the “Design Committee” of the Chamber of Commerce
Name/Title/Business/Organization Print Name
Date Authorizing Signature