Vehicle #1 2010 Lexus 250, VIN # JTHBF5C2XA5110669
Vehicle #2 1993 Ford F150 Truck, VIN#1FTDF15N2PNB29414
Vehicle #3 1986 Ford truck Dump, 7 CY, VIN# 1FDXF82KXGVA30299
Vehicle#4 1964 International Fire Truck, v190, 437-11-64
Item #5 John Deere riding lawn mower, serial TCO757A030595
The Lexus can be seen at City Hall, 200 South Church Street, and the other vehicles can be seen at 501 Pontotoc Street, Monday-Friday from 8-5.
Sealed bids will be accepted at the City Hall until 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, April 1, 2015. Bids should be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked with the bidder’s name and phone number and the item number and description. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. So ordered by the Board of Aldermen, this the 3rd day of March, 2015.
BABS W. FULTON, City Clerk
BABS W. FULTON, City Clerk