July 19, 2017
Business Owners, Property Owners and Store Managers:
Our downtown area has become extremely busy which we are very thankful for. However, with growth comes issues. We are planning a meeting to address the issues and come up with answers that will hopefully be satisfactory to all.
Each of you make your living by your customers. Giving that customer base a great downtown experience can only increase everyone’s bottom line.
Therefore, we will have a meeting on Tuesday, August 8, 2017 at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall.
The topics of discussions will be
- Down Town Parking
- Public and Private Parking (Alley ways behind businesses)
- Streetscapes
- Signal Lights
- Signage
Please make every effort to attend this meeting so that we can make our Downtown area even better than it already is.
Please RSVP to the Chamber of Commerce 662-773-3921 no later than Friday, August 4 by 4:00 p.m.
We are making every effort to let everyone in the 4 block area know, however, someone could get inadvertently missed so please be sure that your neighbor is informed about the meeting so that everyone will be present and have a voice. If you are not the property owner please be sure that the property owner is informed of the meeting.
Mayor Will Hill
Linda Skelton, Chamber of Commerce Director