Monday, October 12, 2015

Winston Plywood Weekly Update-10-09-2015

·         Placed roofs on both electrical rooms at north end of building
·         Continued forming on finishing equipment and lathe charger pedestals
·         Completed boiler foundations

·         Installed decking on Building 4
·         Continued trim-out and detailing on Building 2
·         Continued installing standing seam roofing on Building 2
·         Continued installing wall girts on Buildings 2 and 4
·         Continued bracing and trim-out on Building 4 roof
·         Installed insulation on Building 4 roof
·         Installed ridge cap on Building 1

Fire Protection:
·         Continued installing sprinkler systems in Building 2 roof
·         Started and completed sprinkler piping for Building 4 roof
·         Began installing foundations for fire water tank

Hog Room, Glue Room, and Lathe & Chipper Deck:
·         Continued installing chipper deck support steel and installed 60-70% of decking

·         Completed block work on two north control rooms
·         Continued electrical rough-in for lighting in Buildings 1, 2, 3,  and 5 (Conduit and junction boxes)
·         Began running conduit for process equipment at Dryers 1 & 2
·         Completed underground primary duct bank to power pole east of plant

Site Utilities:
·         Completed main underground storm drain piping east of plant site
·         Set two inlet boxes on storm drains east of plant
·         Began installing trunk line and inlets for storm drain from building downspouts
·         Contractor completed installation of 12” fire-loop at south end of plywood building
·         Contractor sawcut paving in existing parking lot to complete 12” fire loop around plant site

Log Conditioning Vaults
·         Did grading and began excavation for tank at log conditioning vaults

Site Paving
·         Continued fine grading for paving in area east of Building 10 and north transformer bank

Winston Plywood:
·         Continued refurbishing and installing green-end equipment for both east and west lathe lines
·         Received and off-loaded additional Log-Pro equipment for log processor
·         Received additional six loads of No. 3 Dryer components
·         Received and set No. 3 Boiler and Economizers
·         Continued press pit modifications