Monday, December 14, 2015

Winston Plywood Weekly Update 12-11-15

Site Utilities:
·         Installed electrical duct bank from main feeder to RTO

·         Continued installing wall sheets and trim-out on Building 1
·         Continued installing wall sheets on east side of Building 3
·         Continued installing trim material around louvers on Building 3
·         Completed trim-out on roof framing for wall sheets on Building 6
·         Installed upper wall sheets and translucent panels on Buildings 7, 8, & 11
·         Continued work on mezzanine deck (installed concrete anchors) in Building 8
·         Continued punchlists on Buildings 4, 6, 6A, 7, 8, & 11
·         Installed interior wall sheets between Buildings 9 & 10

Fire Protection:
·         Continued installing hose station piping
·         Continued installing drum-drips and drains for sprinkler systems
·         Continued installing sprinkler systems in Buildings 7, 8, and 11
·         Placed concrete foundation for fire pump building

·         Continued electrical rough-in for lighting and miscellaneous electrical services
·         Continued installing lighting fixtures in Buildings 2, 4, 5, 9, & 10
·         Continued installing cable tray throughout the plant
·         Continued pulling primary electrical feeders to south electrical rooms
·         Continued running conduit for process equipment at green-end, dryers, presses, and dry-end
·         Completed installing primary underground service to transformers 1-4 on south end of building
·         Continued installing underground service to RTO transformer pad; Placed concrete on electrical duct bank to RTO
·         Began testing on underground service to transformers and began connections at switchgear and transformers

Racetrack Piping:
·         Completed installing flexible connections between sections of racetrack piping
·         Continued installing support hangers for branch lines from racetrack piping
·         Completed installation of branch lines for water and air piping from racetrack, and continued insulation on piping

Log Conditioning Vaults
·         Continued excavation and placing No. 57 stone for vault foundation
·         Continued work on forms for slab on Vaults No. 7-14
·         Set forms, installed reinforcing, and placed Section 1 on Vault Holding Tank walls (North wall, approximately 2/3 of east wall – up to 8’-0”)
·         Set forms and installed rebar on west wall & both south walls on Vault Holding Tank

Log Pro Merchandiser:
·         Continued setting forms, reinforcing, and embedded steel for foundations
·         Placed concrete in Section 1 foundation
·         Contractor began setting and welding structural bents on Section 1 foundation

Plant Build-out:
·         Performed layout for office area, lunchroom area, and mezzanine area to begin block work
·         Masonry contractor mobilized to the site

Winston Plywood:
·         Continued refurbishing and installing green-end equipment for both east and west lathe lines
·         Continued refurbishing Dryer No. 2
·         Continued to receive both new and used process equipment
·         Continued construction of No. 3 Veneer Dryer
·         Continued installing MCC units throughout plant
·         Began installing equipment in Hog Room

·         City of Louisville (MDR) completed installing primary power from railroad crossing to corner of parking lot
·         Recorded no rain at the site this week
·         Contractor continued installing natural gas line to metering station from rail spur
·         Continued installing metering station for natural gas piping