Monday, June 8, 2015

Weekly Progress Update- Winston Plywood- June 7

·         Building No. 3 (East Side of Main Building) - Grade beams placed on O-Line from columns lines 3-7 and 17-24
·         Building No. 2 (West Side of Main Building) - Concrete wall placed from Columns 13-23

Building Structural Steel:
·         Rafters in place connecting columns at rows 1-25 on Building 1
·         Structural steel placed between Columns 1-3, began placing bar joists
·         Detailing and trim-out ongoing from Column Rows 5-13
·         Decking in place from Column Row 12-23 on west side of Building 1
·         Decking in place from Column Row 12-23 on east side of Building 1
·         Continue erecting steel on Building 10.  East wall structural steel in place. 
·         Received 5 loads of structural steel and bar joists
·         North end-wall erected on Building 5 (At column row 31)

Fire Protection:
·         12” underground fire loop in place along north and east sides of plant site, and approximately 40% across south side of plywood building (Underground not placed at old RTO site)
·         Underground continued along west side of site approximately 200’.
·         Two underground supply lines installed to fire riser rooms inside plywood building

·         All 13 electrical duct-banks in place from stub-ups inside electrical rooms (at switchboards) to a point 5’ outside of east building wall