Monday, September 14, 2015

Winston Plywood Weekly Update-9-11-2015

·         Formed, placed, and finished final section of slab for Building 2
·         Continued block work on Hog Room
·         Placed and finished Boiler Room and Air Compressor Room slab
·         Began work on Green-end Electrical Room
·         Began formwork on Sander Foundation in finishing area
·         Placed and finished foundation walls for Green Chipper

·         Continued installing standing-seam roof on Buildings 3 and 8
·         Continued installing insulation and water seal on Buildings 3 & 7
·         Continued installing beams and joists on Building 2 (West side of overall building)
·         Continued erecting structural steel framing for Lathe & Chipper Deck
·         Continued trim-out and detailing on Building 2 & 3 structural steel
·         Seamed roofing sheets on Buildings 1, 9, and 10
·         Continued installing wall girts on Building 3

Fire Protection:
·         Continued installing sprinkler system in Building 3
·         Completed tie-in on systems in Buildings 5, 9, & 10
·         Began installing risers and system control valves

·         Continued installing primary power at transformers 1-4  (at south end of Building No. 3)
·         Continued finish grading and placement of stone around transformers 5-13
·         Completed block work on electrical room (southeast corner of Building 3)
·         Began block work on green-end electrical room
·         Continued underground primary power supply (moving west through previous RTO site)

Winston Plywood:
·         Continued refurbishing existing veneer dryers
·         Continued refurbishing and installing green-end equipment for west lathe line
·         Received and off-loaded additional loads of green-end equipment
·         Received and off-loaded additional Log-Pro equipment for log processing
·         Began installation of base plates for boiler installation