Monday, August 24, 2015

Winston Plywood Update- 8-21-2015

·         Formed, placed, and finished concrete pit and walls for dry-hog foundations
·         Continued erecting forms and rebar for green chipper foundation
·         Continued forms and grading for new dryer foundations
·         Excavated, placed rebar, and placed trench bottoms for drainage in boiler room area
·         Placed additional grade beams in boiler room area
·         Began subgrade work on glue room

·         Completed installing standing-seam roof on south end of Building 1
·         Began installing standing-seam roofing on Building 3
·         Staged structural steel and joists for erecting on Building 2
·         Began installing beams and joists on Building 2 (West side of overall building)
·         Began installing structural framing for wall louvers on north end of Building 5
·         Installed interior framing between Buildings 9 & 10
·         Began erecting structural steel framing for Lathe & Chipper Deck

Fire Protection:
·         Completed installing sprinkler system in Building 5
·         Began installing sprinkler system in south end of Building 3

·         Continued installing grounding grid at transformers 5-13 (north end of building)
·         Placed additional foundations for transformers 1-4 and switches at transformers at south end of building
·         Continued installing primary power to transformers and switches at south end of building
·         Began finish grading around transformers 5-13
·         Continued block work on electrical rooms (southeast corner of Building 3)

RTO Relocation:
·         Equipment mobilized to the site to begin relocation of the RTO to new foundation (start on August 24th)

Winston Plywood
·         Continued refurbishing existing veneer dryers
·         Received six loads of new Log Pro merchandising equipment and used process equipment